This massage is a convenient, quick and inexpensive way to enjoy the benefits of massage, all you have to do is relax in a specially designed chair. By using acupressure points and a combination of sports and Chinese massage techniques, this massage treats the most common areas of tension and stress.
For more information see our FAQs and testimonials.This is the ideal massage for companies, events, conferences, concerts and gatherings as no oils are used and you don’t have to remove your clothes!
In the workplace, on-site chair massage helps reduce issues such as neck and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and stress or migraine headaches. These are all examples of chronic pain patterns associated with sitting for long periods of time at a desk, repetitive muscular actions and poor posture. Not only will the onsite chair massage help with these common issues but Eimear will also provide advice on correct posture and stretches.
Just from a short 10 minutes session, and up to a longer 30 minute massage you will feel your muscles relax and have a renewed sense of energy.
Relieves muscular pain and tension
Reduces fatigue
Lowers anxiety
Helps prevent repetitive strain injury
Boosts immunity
Improves problem solving and creative thinking
Improves productivity
Increases morale and creates a better work environment
Increases employee retention
Decreases absenteeism
Improves job satisfaction
Helps recruitment prospects