pregnancy / prenatal Massage

pregnancy Massage

Receiving regular massage during pregnancy it can help to relieve aches and pains caused by extra weight, changing structural alignment, and hormones. Also by taking the time to relax, release tension and stress it helps provide you with more energy and a greater sense of well-being throughout your pregnancy.

For more information see our FAQs and testimonials.

Improves Circulation, Swelling and Posture

PreNatal Massage improves circulation and helps to decrease swelling and varicose veins. Regular massage improves posture, muscle tone and flexibility, training your body for labour. Studies have shown that regular massage in pregnancy contributes to a shorter, less painful labour and can reduce labour complications.

Reduces Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain is experienced by many women in the last trimester of pregnancy as the uterus rests on muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. The pressure of the uterus spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower leg, causing them to swell and put pressure on nearby nerves. It is common for pregnant women to have experienced significant reduction in sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy through regular massage as it helps release the tension on nearby muscles.

Benefits of pregnancy massage:

  • Relief from muscle cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain, especially in the lower back, neck, hips, and legs

  • Increase in blood and lymph circulation, which can reduce swelling

  • Reduces stress on weight-bearing joints

  • Increases blood circulation to take more oxygen to your cells and to your baby

  • Increases lymph flow to carry away the waste products of the cells

  • Decreases stress by creating Endorphins (the "feel good" hormones)

  • Gives you emotional support and a safe place to vent or release emotions

  • Can help you get a better night's sleep

PostNatal massage

PostNatal massage can help speed up your recovery, releasing the stress of labour, encouraging structural realignment, abdominal restoration and healing from a C-section. With PostNatal massage, new mums will not only find relief from shoulder and neck aches due to carrying their new babies, but will also have all the usual benefits from massage.

A PostNatal massage also provides support for the new mother under the common physical and emotional strains of mothering. Breastfeeding and nursing during the night can lead to women feeling exhausted, and massage will help reduce the stress, provide relaxation and comfort and give a space for rest so mums are better able to enjoy this time in their lives. Also a PostNatal massage may help provide support in cases of PostNatal depression.

It is generally safe to have a massage immediately after a normal delivery (6-8 weeks after a C-section, but please consult your GP before a massage if you have any concerns).

Benefits of postnatal massage:

  • Helps speed up your recovery

  • Helps with structural realignment and abdominal restoration

  • Helps with the healing of a C-section

  • Relief from muscle aches and pains

  • Provides emotional support for the new mother and a safe place to express how she is feeling without any judgement

  • Helps reduce stress

  • Helps recharge batteries!

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